PCM training
Methodology that allows you to discover the deep structure of the personality.
Price: 400 € per person

Location: Zoom or in-person
What is the PCM model?
Many communication methodologies try to teach us how to communicate. How to negotiate effectively, or how to lobby. How to formulate a message and choose effective communication channels.
Only the PCM teaches us about who the people who communicate are.
PCM (Process Communication Model) is a model that reveals the deep structure of a person. It introduces us to our communication needs and the needs of the people we are in daily contact with. Where is the root of those needs? How to successfully understand and satisfy them. What is their relationship with the environment in which we work and live? How do we reduce the effects of our negative reactions in situations when those needs are not met?
PCM allows you to understand the mechanism behind the actions of different people in a business environment.
Who can benefit from PCM?
Managers who face the challenges of meeting management, conflict resolution, inefficient communication, and employee demotivation
HR expert who wants to provide his employees with the highest quality development program
Team leaders who lead people of different characters and patterns of behavior
Everyone who wants to grow and explore new approaches to their personal development
Why should you try it?
Assesment - The initial assessment will allow you to recognize your deepest needs and use your potential in the best way
6 types of personality - You will get to know about 6 types of personality that live inside you
Conflicts - You will learn how to better recognize and understand conflicts
Communication - You will significantly improve your communication
Management - You will learn how to adjust your managerial style to a specific team member
Psychological need - You will learn how to meet people's specific psychological needs
From your Process Communication® profile and depending on your goals, you will work on:
– Improvement of your communication impact
– Individualized management
– Conflict management
– Business performance
– Aid to recruitment
You will increase the capacity for adaptive communication. Through insight into the deep structure of the personality, behavioral matrices in stress, and communication needs, you will establish healthy interpersonal relationships.
Who uses PCM?
Expected results
Getting to know yourself better
Motivation of your clients and employees
Recognizing stress behaviors and choosing your reaction
Distinguishing yourself on the market
You will have the opportunity to apply the offered models and tools in working with different types of personalities